Available Puppies
Aspen and Rovi had a darling litter on June 27, 2024
Their puppies will be ready to go around September 14, 2024.
Aspen and Rovie have completed the health testing recommended by the
Dachshund Club of America (Cardiovascular, Optical and Patellas).
Aspen is sweet and laid back. She is an excellent mother. Rovie is loving, loyal and very affectionate.
We have 2 puppies available from Aspen and Rovi's beautiful litter.
They have been checked at Martin Vet in Pelzer SC. on Sept. 11th, 2024 and have a letter of perfect health. They have had their 1st and 2nd vaccine and are trained to use a tray of alfalfa pellets for their potty needs. Their parents have all of the health testing recommended by the Dachshund Club of America.
The puppies are ready to go Septemeber 12th, 2024
For more info, you can reach me at
864.207.6893 or musicrowdachshunds@gmail.com
Available Males
Male Red #1 Available
More pictures available.
Male Red #2 Available
More pictures available.
Litter pictures from Newborn - Now
The puppies below have already joined their new homes over the last few years.
More info about our Puppies.....
Our puppies are AKC registered, have Champion/Grand-Champion bloodlines and come with
prepaid AKC pet Registration.
Our puppies are vet checked and come with a signed health letter from our vet (Martin Vet Services in Anderson SC.), and a health guarantee. We administer the first and second vaccine and deworm the puppies before they go to their new homes.
Potty Training
We start potty training around 5 weeks old. The puppies are trained to use an alfalfa pellet litter tray and use the pet door to go outside by the time they are ready to go. This keeps their play area cleaner, and helps them associate the smell of the alfalfa with the smell of grass to make potty training easier as they grow up.
Our puppies are socialized with our children and we have no problem with our puppies going to homes where they get to grow up with children.
Pointers on spine health and safety will be discussed before the puppies go home.
Going Home
When the puppies are fully vaccinated and they are ready to go home, we welcome their new owners to come and meet the parents and see where their puppy was raised. If this is not possible because of distance, we do offer to meet 1 hour in any direction to help with the drive.
We can also meet at the GSP airport if you are traveling by air.
We do not ship our puppies cargo, they must travel in-cabin with their new owner.
We keep our puppies until 11 to 12 weeks of age. This a great way to prepare the puppy for a successful life with a good immune system. This time allows for them to wean from mom when they are ready and gives us the time needed to administer their vaccines and socialize them while in their comfort zone.